Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Is a sleep disorder that causes a rather intense and often uncontrollable compulsion to move the legs. Resting activities such as sitting for long periods, and laying down in bed, and sitting for long, causes some sensations to move the legs. Restless legs syndrome basically occurs during the evening hours, thereby making the person have a hard time trying to sleep.
Is a neurological disorder that affects sleep regulation. It makes the sufferer unable to control sleep and wakefulness. Patients with narcolepsy usually experience intermittent, uncontrollable incidences where they fall asleep during the day. Such sleep attacks may happen regardless of the activity the person is involved in or the time of day.
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Call us for any questions regarding our services.
Bayridge Sleep and Diagnostics Center is open by appointment only, please get in touch with us for any questions.